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Urban Development Management Major
/ 부동산학 전공
Real Estate Major

도시사회의 발전을 책임질
창조적인 전문인력 양성

Urban Regeneration and Design Major
/ 랜드스케이프어바니즘전공
Landscape Urbanism Major

건축, 도시설계 영역들에 대한
도시건축설계 전문가 양성


미래 선도적 지역개발 인재 양성을 위한
HY-GRIP 교육연구단

글로벌 도시 및 지역사회의 다양한 문제 해결을 위한
통섭적 안목과 비판적 창의성을 지닌
미래 선도형 인재양성 교육을 지향합니다.

[지원 프로그램]
- 석∙박사급 대학원생 정기장학금 지급
- 연구활동 지원비 및 인센티브 지급
- 다양한 학술 프로그램 운영 등


도시대학원 외국인교원 초빙안내[마감]
2015-11-17 16:32:42 조회수6312

Job Title:  Professor in << Department of Urban Landscape Ecological Architecture, Graduate School of Urban Studies>>

Institution:  Hanyang University (HYU)

Location:  Seoul, Korea

Type:  Full-time (Non Tenure-Track)

Position Available:  Mar. 1th, 2016

*. The job rank (e.g. Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor) will be determined by the applicants educational and research experience.

Job Description:

Responsibilities include instruction, advising, curriculum development, participation in department committees, and involvement with the industry. Candidates must be able to teach in two or more of the following core areas: theory of ecological landscape architecture, methodology of ecological survey, theory of low Impact development, ecological restoration design  

Professors in the university are required at least to teach 7.5 hours per week.


Applicants should have an earned Ph.D. degree or Master degree with more than five years professional experiences in urban planning, landscape design, or ecological architecture or related area and demonstrate their potential for teaching in English.  

 Information Required:

For recordkeeping purposes, the University requires Date of Birth, and exact dates for all educational and working experiences.  As experience is weighted differently depending on capacity, please provide a detailed description of your responsibilities so that the University can accurately reflect your experiences when calculating job rank.

Please send following documents via email.

-      The candidates CV

-      List of past publications

-      Statement of teaching and research interests

Those documents files should be sent directly to Prof. Cho Se-Hwan at chosh3@hanyang.ac.kr and   Ms. Chang jihye at jihye@hanyang.ac.kr.


Salary/benefits will be determined according to the job rank. The annual salaries for non tenure-track faculty are as follows: Assistant Professor from US$44,000 to US$50,000; Associate Professor from US$52,000 to US$60,000; and Full Professor from US$61,000 to US$85,000.

The dollar exchange rate used for this scale is US$1 = 1,100 Korean won, and is subject to change as the exchange rate changes. In other words, the above salary is not protected and no adjustments will be made due to changes in exchange rate.

Faculty will be signed up for National Medical Insurance and Teacher’s Pension Fund which are both mandatory in Korea. Note that National Medical Insurance will apply at the same time the contract starts; faculty are advised to obtain insurance that covers the period between entry to Korea up until the beginning of the contract.

A residence or housing subsidy may be provided for up to 3 years (depending on the length of the contract) for foreign nationals. Residence, however, will only be provided for foreign faculty with no housing in Korea and its size and location will vary depending on availability.

More Information:

Mailing Address:

Graduate School of Urban Studies

Hanyang University

222 Wansimni-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Korea 04763


· Professor Cho Se-Hwan, Ph.D: 82-2-2220-0274

· Staff Ms. Chang Jihye: 82-2-2220-1210

School office (Fax): 82-2-2220-1214

Email Address:

· Professor Cho Se-Hwan :  chosh3@hanyang.ac.kr.

· Staff Ms. Chang Jihye :  jihye@hanyang.ac.kr

Application Form:

Closing Date for Applications:  26 th, November, 2015

Review of applications will start on 27 th, November, 2015

More information on Hanyang University available

at:  http://www.Hanyang.ac.kr/english/

한양대학교 경영교육원 전체메뉴

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